Saturday, July 27th

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BEAU - "Trackland's Beauregard"
April 24, 1988 - October 31, 1998
See Story: "Bloodhounds Legend"

At 10 weeks old, Beau took on huge responsibility of training two stupid people who knew absolutely nothing about Bloodhounds and because of him - our lives as we knew them, would never be the same! Our 10.5 years with Beau opened many doors for us. We have been enriched by the friendships of so many people along our trail.

We are fulfilled knowing that we are able to educate our youth with basic survival skills and help to locate those who become lost. And, we're proud of the respect we have gained through the years by law enforcement as they continue to utilize our service for assisting them with criminal call-outs.

We owe so much to our Beau-Boy and we know that with every trail we run today, he is running right beside us, the whole way. Thank you for your life, Beau, you changed ours, we love you, and will miss you always.

Ode to Beau Poem(pdf)
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